Nomeward Bound

A Chiditarod Fundraising and Racing Team

What’s this all about?
CHIditarod is Chicago’s 100% volunteer-driven epic urban shopping cart race, charity food drive, costumed beauty pageant, talent show, fundraiser, parade, contact sport and chaos generator. It’s probably the world’s largest mobile food drive, benefiting the Greater Chicago Food Depository and the CHIditarod Foundation.

CHIditarod teams have raised more than $794,030 raised since inception! We tend to give grants to organizations whose mission is related to alleviating hunger, addressing food insecurity, and/or improving the lives of the public through education, food or hunger relief in the metropolitan Chicago area. Smaller, community-led organizations are especially encouraged to apply.

Our grant program has historically prioritized funds to :

  • Innovative educational opportunities about food
  • Building partnerships with other organizations and policy-relevant leaders engaged in local issues
  • Health nutrition or creative work on some aspect of food
  • Innovation to address challenges to food access and availability

Donate to Nomeward Bound’s 2024 Fundraising Campaign!